Standard Candles is the chronicle of a civilization spanning countless worlds in the multiverse - the pancosmos - where spaceships, cybernetics & aliens coexist with spirits, witches, & knights, and hard science collides with wild fantasy & abstract strangeness.In the future year 5555 AD, Known Space radiates out from the ultratech Core Worlds, dominated by the bureaucratic intrigue of vast international blocs, and a bustling Periphery of high starfaring adventure and danger. Farther out, vast constellations of low-tech civilizations write their struggles and victories upon the pancosmic Rimworlds, too, with the aid of magic and salvaged high-tech junk; and starkly alien cosmoi fan out deep into hyperspace, while strange and inscrutable things flicker at the edges of perception everywhere in the known world.Standard Candles explores a world that welcomes highly diverse crossovers, and where the multiverse is not just a throwaway plot device, but a richly storied and interconnected setting in and of itself.It is inspired by works such as Half-Life, SCP, Final Fantasy, Twin Peaks, Risk of Rain, Patlabor, and many others. I hope it may inspire you too.